Blowback- Card 4
Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions here to learn how they work and how to best utilize them.
Hint 1
You'll want to start by translating the text.
Hint 2
In English, it reads: "Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so."
Hint 3
This text is telling you what to do with the differently sized letters.
Hint 4
Analyze each line separately (except the 3rd line, which has no oddly sized letters).
​Final Solution: If you arrange the too-large letters from largest to smallest, the two lines read:
Hint 1
Well, it must be an alphabet, but it's not a language I recognize...
Hint 2 least not a language of this planet.
Hint 3
The moon will illuminate your path.
Hint 4
Search for a few moon-themed scripts.
Final Solution: This is the "Moon" alphabet, developed by William Moon. The plaintext reads: "The Ourorobos has a mole in the CIA, he goes by the codename Manticore."
Hint 1
Well, Sole is Italian for "Sun..."
Hint 2
Eight lines... and eight planets.
Hint 3
But they may not be the planets' names in English.
Hint 4
​If 1 is the first letter in the solution, then the first letter is A.
Final Solution: The planets, in Italian, are:
Taking the letters marked by numbers and ordering them numerically gives us: AUSTIN.
Hint 1
Just like the other stamps, this will be more useful later.
Hint 2
They are also solved in a similar way.
Hint 3
What are these words in Italian?
Final Solution: "Pear" and "Brooms" in Italian become "Pera" and "Scope" which, combined, become "Periscope."