Carte Rouge - Hearts
Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions here to learn how they work and how to best utilize them.

Hint 1
A very fine suit indeed.
Hint 2
In fact, I believe they have four suits.
Hint 3
Be sure to decipher the deck's alphabet before attempting this.
Hint 4
Numbers and letters that come in a set, may determine their place in your alphabet.
The first value is the place in the suit and the second value is the suit (AH = Ace of Hearts, 6D = Six of Diamonds). His border reads: "As beautiful as she is powerful, my fine lady the Good Queen Bess."
Hint 1
Hmmm... A Jack tends to need assistance and seldom works alone.
Hint 2
Your Queen has a clue to offer you.
Hint 3
A message intertwined, similar, yet different.
Hint 4
Two knaves spoke in secret.
Hint 5
Spade and Heart and Spade and Heart and Spade and Heart...
From the Jack of Spades to the Jack of Hearts, it spills its secret:
"You will be our pawn, until your final hour."

Hint 1
My King's borders keep my own borders safe.
Hint 2
Our love is like poetry, but what poem specifically? I'll never tell.
Hint 3
My dear friend, Arnold, would approve of this cipher.
Hint 4
No need to page through every tome. You have what you need.
Hint 5
So many lines of words.
A variant on an Arnold Cipher that uses only 'Line(Word)' with the Shakespeare poem Venus and Adonis.
Her border reads: "We gave you supreme rule, pluck't the last queen like a flower, she had turn'd by far too foule, for pay we seek your power."
Hint 1
A familiar alphabet though odd in its own ways.
Hint 2
This alphabet is well suited to a deck of cards.
Hint 3
Every symbol has value...
Hint 4
A familiar knave used this alphabet for both of its parts.
Hint 5
Be quite sure you've found your alphabet before trying to solve this out.
Using the deck alphabet, her robes read: "The bard is a king to me."

Hint 1
So many letters! But so few colors...
Hint 2
Two halves can make a whole.
Hint 3
Two colors must mean two separate sets.
Two messages are written here -- one in black, one in red. Taking each color and reading it separately offers two sentences.
His border reads: "My dear queen it is a pleasure to know you. Our love is poetry like Venus and Adonis."
Hint 1
The letters in my center are certainly not random.
Hint 2
In fact, they are just the beginning...
Hint 3
This King holds one part of your key, but you'll want four to get what you need.
Hint 4
Take care to remember rotation.
The center diagram shows the letters 'A' through 'I' with their corresponding symbols for a cipher.