Parabola - Card 1
Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions here to learn how they work and how to best utilize them.

Hint 1
Consider the Ouroboros... this cipher descends from that creature.
Hint 2
A simple, albeit never-ending cipher.
Hint 3
No number will ever be repeated.
Hint 4
1.27.53... all the same thing really.
Final Solution: This is an alphanumeric cipher where 1=A, 2=B, etc, only it doesn't reset at 26. Each subsequent number is higher than the last. So if you started with ALA, then it would be 1-12-27. The plaintext reads: EXECUTE COMMAND TSUNAMI

Hint 1
Two colors. One alphabet.
Hint 2
No number is higher than thirteen.
Hint 3
13 times 2 is... 26. The exact number of letters in the alphabet!
Final Solution: The alphabet is divided in half, with 1-13 Light being A through M and 1-13 Dark being N through Z.
The plaintext passages are:

Hint 1
This is a classic cipher (though it does come with animals!).
Hint 2
Just a simple alphanumeric cipher.
Final Solution: The numbers translate into letters in the alphabet and spell out the word LOOK.

Hint 1
There are no secrets here.
Hint 2
No, seriously, nothing here is a puzzle or riddle.
Hint 3
Everything you need is right in front of your face. You won't even need a book to figure it out.
Final Solution: Agatha not only drops her full name, but also makes sure to let you know she's on Facebook. You might want to look her up...

Hint 1
If you haven't been through all of your postcards and done as much as possible, then you don't want to continue with this puzzle yet.
Hint 2
Notice anything on your 'Wish You Were Here' postcard that could help?
Hint 3
You'll need both the front and back of that card.
Final Solution: The geometric symbols on the front of the 'Wish You Were Here' card are giving you the order of the symbols on this card. Those symbols can be found on the BACK of the 'Wish You Were Here' card, each associated with a letter. The plaintext is: ANACONDA.

Hint 1
These lines seem very strange.
Hint 2
Have you looked at all your other cards just yet?
Hint 3
If it helps, you may have already connected this card to another card for a separate puzzle.
Hint 4
This line might be useful to trace somewhere on that second card.
Final Solution: Using the lines from the first card with the shape on the front, you can trace a path that leads from letter to letter. When extracted, you'll get the plaintext: "Send me the confirmation number."