Parabola - Card 2
Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions here to learn how they work and how to best utilize them.
Hint 1
And yet we always exist in the shadows.
Hint 2
There's the writing, the shadow, and the shadow behind it.
Hint 3
The deepest shadow doesn't seem to reflect the first layer of letters.
Hint 4
Be sure to fill in the missing pieces for both the top and the bottom borders.
Final Solution: The missing halves of the letters spell CYBERCRIME DEPARTMENT.
Hint 1
Oh, those are some colorful numbers.
Hint 2
There's a visual clue on how to read them on the front of the card.
Hint 3
Blue, then yellow.
Hint 4
Green is where they overlap.
Final Solution: Each unit is a single number, though sometimes a double-digit number, with the first digit in blue and the second in yellow, with green showing where they overlap. Figuring out the numbers first, you can then alphanumerically translate them. The plaintext reads: "My favorite sport is tennis."
Hint 1
Well, these are all dates of some kind.
Hint 2
But they don't seem to make any sense... this year.
Hint 3
In the paragraph, there's a clue of where you should look... or rather when.
Final Solution: Checking when these days fall back in 2005 (as referenced in the note) will give the correct days of the month to alphanumerically convert. The plaintext reads: "Sarah Moss"
Hint 1
This puzzle will be an absolute doozy. Take all the time you need.
Hint 2
It's a very "hands-on" puzzle if you get my drift.
Hint 3
Put on a good "face" when you "clock-in."
Hint 4
If you can read a clock, then you're mostly there, but you may need a new perspective on the second line.
Final Solution: The lines represent clock hands which, when summed up, give numbers to convert. The second line, however, is upside-down to mirror the title text on the front of the card. The plaintext reads: "The Brothers Karamazov."
Hint 1
Have you solved the other stamps yet?
Final Solution: The numbers on the stamps give the plaintext: "For."