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Remember, if you haven't used our clues pages yet, check out the instructions here to learn how they work and how to best utilize them. 


Hint 1

A familiar code is disguised within.

Hint 2

Be sure to Dot your i's and Dash your t's.

Hint 3

Each letter is separated by a slash.

Hint 4

Hopefully these clues don't leave you too mor(o)se...


The message is spaced out to disguise morse code; two letters for a dot, four for a dash, written at an angle to represent a slash. The morse code reads 'Sam Porus'


Hint 1

Where else can you find sublime and time?

Hint 2

Pay attention to the footprints.

Hint 3

Don't fence yourself into a corner, just ride the rail

Hint 4

It's okay to zig-zag a bit as you solve!

Hint 5

You're seeking a city, not a name...


This block of words disguises the location you're looking for in a Rail Fence Cipher. Starting at the upper-left, and reading diagonally down and right, then back up and right from the bottom, and continuing this pattern yields 'Alexandria'


Hint 1

Some poetry always help me think.

Hint 2

Don't go looking for more than you need! Sometimes, just a stanza will do.

Hint 3

Letter by letter you can spell it out.

Hint 4

Line / Word / Letter


This Book Cipher corresponds to the stanza on the front of the card, using the format Line-Word-Letter. It spells out 'Pattern Recognition'


Hint 1

Be sure you have the right location before trying to solve this.

Hint 2

What happened to the lighthouse?

Hint 3

Or rather... what was built on its ruins?

Hint 4

To find the date the department began, you'll need to know the date the citadel was built.


The top stamp depicts the Citadel of Qaitbay, which was built on the ruins of the lighthouse of Alexandria. It was constructed in 1477

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