Veritas - Card 5
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Hint 1
That is a strange path for a URL to take.
Hint 2
But it's just empty space!
Hint 3
Unless, it's a map to somewhere else.
Hint 4
Not another card.
Final Answer: Trace the path the line make on the front of the card, you might even hold it up to the light and try it that way. The line spells out the word logogram.
Hint 1
This looks like a standard Arnold cipher.
Hint 2
Arnold ciphers tend to use an outside text, but they don't have to.
Hint 3
If only you had some type of text or list to reference...
Hint 4
Maybe some names.
Final Answer: The numbers are an Arnold Cipher referencing the list of names on the left side of the card. The numbers go "Number down on the list, which name, and which letter in that name." Translated, it will give you the name Annette Ivy.
Hint 1
Two sets of numbers?
Hint 2
Hmmm... maybe they're coordinates to somewhere...
Hint 3
One goes vertical, and the other goes horizontal.
Hint 4
Could this map to something else on this postcard?
Final Answer: Using the two sets of numbers to count lines down and letters in, you get the word Albatross.
Hint 1
There's a lot going on here with stamps & writing. Can you find a way to tie them together?
Hint 2
First, start by translating the word.
Hint 3
Can you find a way to pair that word with these stamps?
Hint 4
The word translated is "GOD". I wonder what god these stamps might be referencing...
Final Answer: The goddess of the hunt and the moon is Artemis.
Hint 1
Who are all these people?
Hint 2
Something must tie all of these artists together.
Hint 3
Take a look at a list of each of their works to see if there's anything in common.
Final Answer: Every artist on the list has a creation (book, sculpture, painting, etc) titled Icarus.